For Pure Blonde 330ml
What are the figures that are changing?
Pure Blonde 330ml product has:
- 86 calories
- 0.7g carbs
- 90% less carbs than regular VB.
- 86 calories
- 0.7g carbs
- 90% less carbs than regular VB.
If the taste hasn't changed, why has the carbohydrate statement improved?
The taste has not changed because there is no change to the recipe. To be clear, we are brewing Pure Blonde exactly the same way, with exactly the same ingredients. The update to the carbohydrate statement has been made because we are now using a more accurate measurement method.
So Pure Blonde has always been 90% less?
Yes there has been no change to the recipe. We think it's better to under-promise and over-deliver than the other way around!
Why have you reduced millage?
We've slightly reduced the bottle size from 355ml to 330ml. This brings our Pure Blonde product into line with most other beers in the contemporary segment.
Can I still get the old Pure Blonde?
We haven't made any changes to the Pure Blonde recipe, so the beer in our Pure Blonde 330ml product is the same beer as in our Pure Blonde 355ml product. The 355ml product is for sale while stocks last but won't be produced ongoing.
Is Pure Blonde Ultra Low Carb Beer vegan?
We haven't sought vegan certification but Pure Blonde contains no animal products.
Is Pure Blonde Ultra Low Carb Beer gluten free?
Pure Blonde is a beer product and contains malt, it is not gluten free.
Is Pure Blonde Ultra Low Carb Beer halal?